Some material adapted from White Wolf Game Studio's Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game What would an adventure game be without ninja? These mysterious assassins are far deadlier than any run-of-the-mill gangster -- Their skills, their weapons, and their dedication make them tough foes with a touch of class. Beating up a bunch of street punks? That's easy! Facing down a contingent of ninja? Now that's an adventure! Genin are the ninja rank-and-file, while jonin are veteran assassins with years of experience. Actual ninja are trained for years, sometimes from birth, and must prove their worthiness many times over. Despite their skill, ninja usually fall before the might of superheroes. A couple of jonin or genin, though, if played well, can make life very difficult for a hero or two. Level: fourth Skills
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Weapons/Weapon Proficiencies
Level: sixth Note: Has a high P.P. attribute; Roll 2d4+14. Remember to add parry/dodge/strike bonus. Skills
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Paired Weapons Weapons/Weapon Proficiencies
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