An important person (celebrity, politician, foreign dignitary, other superhero, etc.) winds up dead. There are no marks on the body. Whodunnit? Howdunnit? Whydunnit? One of the characters finds a clue; A clue that several interested parties would like to see suppressed -- or revealed. It's hard to know whom to trust when everyone's a suspect.
A trusted ally of the characters' (or perhaps even an NPC team member) is acting strangely. What's going on? Is there some rational explanation for this, or is he plotting against the team? This can get even more complicated with the help of a willing player, whose character also starts acting furtive. The players will go nuts trying to figure out what's going on, especially when some shadowy stranger starts hanging around. Is it a set-up or just a game to catch another, hidden infiltrator?
While driving to visit Velma's Aunt Gertrude, the team makes a wrong turn (maybe they let Shaggy handle the map) and end up in what seems like a ghost town. There's nobody there except the sherrif (Don Knotts) and the wacky owners of the local saloon (Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy). They say there's been a phantom in the old mine, scaring everyone away. The team decides to investigate, splitting up to cover more ground. Who will find the ghost first? Who is really to blame? Is it a money-making scheme? Is it revenge-motivated? How many Scooby Snacks will it take to convince Scooby to act as bait for Freddy's trap? What are Daphne's measurements? Is "Jinkies" an expression, or a breakfast cereal?
It was Miss Scarlet in the conservatory with the revolver. Communism was just a red herring.