Not the noblest of motives, but an understandable one. Someone has been wronged, and he or she wants to get even. These stories need not be constant fight scenes; more often than not, the avenger will need some sort of preparation or help on his mission. Revenge may take years to accomplish. In fact, it could be the basis for an entire campaign.
A whole character based on revenge, and done damn well, I might add. He doesn't even care that his face is exposed, since the only people who are going to see it are criminal scum he's gonna off anyway. Despite some terrible attempts at "revitalizing" his image, the Punisher is an all-around cool revenge-driven vigilante.
But be honest: The first time you heard the name, "The Punisher," you thought it was a leather-clad woman in stilletto heels, brandishing handcuffs and a whip, right? |
Some criminal organization has ruined the fortunes or family of a character, but the group is too powerful to battle alone. It holds local law enforcement in its pocket -- what to do? There could be spies anywhere, even inside the team itself. Players should be on their guard...
A well-regarded superhero has ambushed a character or her friends, beating them badly, perhaps even maiming them. No one will believe that the hero would stoop to such dishonor, but the character knows what she saw. Does she challenge him openly and risk making an accusation that she cannot defend? Or does she seek a more subtle revenge, exposing the crime in public or punishing him behind closed doors? What if the hero wasn't the one behind the treachary? Who was? And why?
A powerful figure is humiliated (or at least thinks he is) by one of the characters and proceeds to make life miserable for the entire team. What will he do, and how? Do the characters know who's behind their torment, or will it take some digging to uncover the source of their problems? Once they do, will they apologize or attack?
MAIN | Disaster | Espionage | Exploration | Mystery | Rescue/Recovery | Revenge